
  • Authors

    Are you a black romance author looking to elevate your brand and connect with a passionate audience of readers? Sponsorship with Books, Brunch, and Mimosas provides a unique platform to showcase your work and engage with attendees in a meaningful way.

    Benefits of Author Sponsorship:

    • Visibility: Gain exposure to a targeted audience of black romance readers through event promotions, website features, and social media shout-outs.

    • Promotion: Showcase your bookmarks, merchandise, and brand through dedicated sponsorship spaces at the event venue. Your author merchandise, such as bookmarks, stickers, or promotional materials, will be included in swag bags distributed to event attendees. This ensures that your brand and messaging reach every attendee, even beyond the event itself.

  • businesses

    Are you a business that aligns with the themes and values of Books, Brunch, and Mimosas? Whether you're in the food and beverage industry, fashion and beauty, or technology and media, sponsoring our event provides an opportunity to connect with an engaged audience and support diversity in literature.

    Benefits of Business Sponsorship:

    • Brand Exposure: Increase brand visibility and awareness through event promotions, signage, and mentions in our marketing materials.

    • Targeted Marketing: Reach a niche audience of black romance readers, authors, and influencers who align with your brand's values and interests.

    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals, authors, and potential customers during the event and through our online platforms.

    • Community Support: Demonstrate your commitment to diversity, culture, and literacy by sponsoring a culturally enriching event that celebrates black voices and stories.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities with Books, Brunch, and Mimosas, please contact me. I look forward to partnering with you to create a memorable and impactful event experience!

Thank you for considering sponsorship and for your support of black romance literature.